York, Pennsylvania is billed as “The Factory Tour Capital of the World” for the many entertaining and educational factory tours throughout the city and surrounding area. York is, in fact, home of thirteen different factories open to the general public, from the Harley-Davidson Motor Company Tour, which takes guests down a motorcycle assembly line, to the York Barbell Factory, which is home to the USA Weightlifting Hall of Fame, to the Wolfgang Candy Company, one of the oldest family-owned candy companies in the United States. Everywhere you turn, there is another factory tour to go on.
With so many tourists and free factory tours, image plays a big role in York’s economy. Image is critical and nothing defines your company as much as your employees do. First impressions are important and you only get one chance. Scores of people touring plants creates a unique “advertising opportunity”. Take advantage of it by outfitting your people with crisp clean uniforms and let your employees repeat the following mental images all day long:
The Benefits of Uniforms
- Image: When your employees are on display like they are during the factory tours in York, image is mission critical. One of the easiest and most cost-effective ways to ensure your employees are looking their best is to outfit them with rental uniforms that are cleaned and maintained weekly.
- Peace of Mind: Uniforms help put your customers at ease. Putting forth a unified company image suggests good business practices. Uniforms introduce your employees to the customer as trustworthy professionals, who are expert at their trade, while the emblems promote familiarity and approachability.
- Recognition: Uniforms allow management and customers to instantly distinguish an employee or vendor from a stranger on company property.
- Brand Awareness: Uniforms are just another part of the branding process and branding works! Who wears brown shirts and brown pants? Who’s logo contains side by side X’s with a common slash through both? Whose personnel use a sharpie to personalize their first name on a brightly colored apron? Got all three didn’t you?
- Security: Uniforms allows security personnel and customers alike to instantly separate employees from those who don’t belong, or potential threats.
- And so much more!
Uniform Rental in York, Pennsylvania
Lord Baltimore Uniform provides its outstanding uniform rental service throughout not only Maryland and Washington DC, but also Virginia, Delaware, and Southern Pennsylvania. In 2012, our customer retention was an incredible 96%. So why would you call anyone else?
If you have any questions about Uniform Rental in York, Pennsylvania, please contact Joe Bateman at Lord Baltimore Uniform at 800-292-1224 or visit LordBaltimoreUniform.com. You can also follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+.
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