Launder your aprons and kitchen towels locally with Lord Baltimore Uniform Rental!
Aprons are an essential uniform item and towels are essential tools in kitchens of all industries. Whether you work in a commercial kitchen at a carryout shop or cook behind the scenes at a nursing home facility, you need a way to protect your professional garments from everyday splashes and stains and a way to clean them up. Lord Baltimore Uniform Rental makes keeping clean and professional a breeze with apron and kitchen towel rental services. Learn more about them below.
Benefits of Apron and Kitchen Towel Rental Services
Stay Hygenic
Cleanliness in the commercial kitchen is a must for the health of your customers. When the kitchen is clean, the food will be clean. As a result, the people you feed can stay healthy, and your operation can remain in good standing. Clean aprons and kitchen towels such as dish towels and bar towels are part of the equation that keeps your kitchen hygienic.
Save on Equipment
It takes commercial-grade equipment to keep a kitchen staff’s aprons and towels clean. The expenses to purchase, install, and maintain the equipment can cost your business far more than necessary. Moreover, your facility might not have room for the machines. Lord Baltimore provides local, professional laundering that saves your business the equipment expenses while providing great quality.
Focus on the Business
Apron and kitchen towel rental services also save your operation time and energy. Your focus should rest on your business and fulfilling your customer’s needs. Carrying out your services could mean forming a team to help you with the tasks outside of your main specialty. Lord Baltimore can save you the hassle of washing dirty aprons and towels yourselves.
Replace and Repair with Ease
We not only launder aprons and kitchen towels each week, but we also replace and repair them as necessary. There is no need to fret about sourcing new ones. Once they become too old or damaged, Lord Baltimore will seamlessly replace them with no extra charge.
Who Can Benefit?
Lord Baltimore Uniform Rental especially is of service to delis, carry out shops, and sub/pizza shops. We also service many facilities with in-house commercial kitchens, such as retirement communities, schools, cafeteria kitchens, grocery stores, and more.
Other Food Service Rental Options
We offer more than just apron rental services. You can also benefit from our uniform rental program, from which you can acquire fitted commercial kitchen uniforms, butcher frocks, grill pads, mops, floor mats, and professional laundering services.
Trust Your Employee Uniforms to the Professionals at Lord Baltimore
For over forty years, Lord Baltimore has provided cost-effective towel rental services throughout the East Coast, including Maryland, Washington DC, Northern Virginia, Southern Pennsylvania, and Delaware.
To learn more about how employee uniforms can help your business, please contact Joe Bateman at Lord Baltimore by calling 800-292-1224 or visit LordBaltimoreUniform.com. We also handle uniform and mat rentals and purchase for restaurants. Additionally, we also sell and rent uniforms, shop towels, fender covers, and mats for the manufacturing and automotive industries.