Among uniform service providers, Lord Baltimore is the company that believes “delivering” is more important than “promising.”
We have become a nation of “price tag” shoppers who have forgotten the importance of value. We are looking for “the deal” all the while forgetting that we were taught; “If it looks too good to be true, it is.” It’s all around us, the men’s clothing store that double’s the price of its suits then puts on a 2-for-1 sale. They know we cannot resist the idea of something for nothing, so we end up buying two suits at full price rather than the one we actually needed. What a deal! The big box stores sell “price” to us constantly, knowing that our memories are short and 15 months later we will have to buy the same item a second time, due to poor quality. What is all of this “savings” really costing us?
The same is true in business to business (B2B) transactions. How many times have you been promised a price that ends up having strings attached, inflated shipping costs, unquoted fees, or undisclosed order size requirements? We have all fallen prey to the “fine print” somewhere along the line.
Lord Baltimore – A Uniform Service That Gets It Right
Among uniform service providers, Lord Baltimore is the company that believes “delivering” is more important than “promising.” We are the “value proposition” in the uniform industry. We will meet with you and provide a comprehensive proposal, discussing any and all pricing with you – no unpleasant invoice surprises. We will size all employees correctly ensuring proper fit. Delivery will be made by one of our reliable customer service representatives (CSRs).
Our CSR’s average 14 years of service. They are reliable because they know the ropes and they know their customers. In 2014 we boasted a customer retention of 97%. We attribute this number to our experienced team and our culture of customer service through customer communication. Also, our customers see the value in paying a few dollars more for continuity of service and personal attention.
As a local, independently owned business, Lord Baltimore knows the struggles of business owners, like you. We are not a faceless corporation. That is why we take the extra time and put in the extra effort to ensure you get EXACTLY what you order each and every week. And we promise to NEVER hit you with hidden fees.
If you have experienced incorrect deliveries, unfinished repairs, inconsistent invoicing and generally lacking customer service, chances are you overlooked the “value proposition” that is Lord Baltimore Uniform. We would like to show you how different uniform service can be, please call us at 410-558-3362.
Click Here for Real Uniform Savings!
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