For over thirty years, we have provided mat rental services to businesses throughout DC, Delaware, Northern Virginia, Southern Pennsylvania, and Maryland.
As they say, the devil is in the details. Sometimes even small additions to your workplace can make a big difference. Take mats, for example. These seemingly simple devices can impact cleanliness, customer satisfaction, safety, and even productivity. Who knew? So maybe it’s time to learn a little more about Mat Rental.
All Mats are NOT Created Equal
When Cleanliness and First Impressions Matter, Entryway Mats are the Answer!
Your mother always told you that it’s what’s on the inside that counts. Well, she was right. It’s the condition of your building’s interior that can send your customers and clients running for the hills or, at least, your nearest competitor. According to a retail consumer study performed by M/A/R/C Research and National In-Store, 14% of consumers said they would stop visiting a business that was not as clean as they would like.
“If you get off on the wrong foot, the relationship may never be completely right again,” says Robert Lount, an assistant professor at Ohio State University.
The solution is Entryway Mats.
Entryway mats emblazoned with your company logo are a great way to make a good first impression, which, according to Lount, “matter when you want to build a lasting trust.” These mats also help cut dirt and grime by as much as 80% while holding up to eight pounds of water, which means a cleaner, more aesthetically pleasing workplace and lower cleaning costs. That’s what we like to call a win-win.
Strategically placed mats can also help minimize or even eliminate slip and fall injuries in the workplace, which account for 85% of all workers’ compensation claims. One of the best ways to prevent slips and falls is by placing mats in each entryway, especially those leading to the outside.
Anti-Fatigue Mats Really Work!
Fatigue is the leading cause of lost productivity in the workplace, especially for employees who stand in one place for extended periods of time. They can begin to experience serious discomfort to the feet, legs and back, which can translate into lost productive time (LPT). On average, employees report 4.1 hours of LPT each week due to fatigue, according to a study in the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. This costs employers, like you, an estimated $136 billion annually.
The solution is Anti-Fatigue Mats. According to George Havenith and Lucy Dorman, professors in the Department of Human Sciences at Loughborough University, these mats can help prevent foot, leg, and back pain, minimizing LPT.
Mat Rental from Lord Baltimore
Lord Baltimore uniform is a full service company. For over thirty years, we have provided uniform, towel, and mat rental services to businesses throughout Washington DC, Delaware, Northern Virginia, Southern Pennsylvania, and Maryland. We are driven to provide responsive, attentive, professional customer service.
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If you would like to learn more about Mat Rental, please contact Joe Bateman at Lord Baltimore by calling 800-292-1224. We are driven to provide responsive, attentive, professional customer service to each and every one of our clients.