When it comes to running an effective HVAC business, it helps to employee knowledgeable technicians who know what they are doing. But a large part of HVAC is also customer service oriented. It is not enough to be knowledgeable. Your technicians must also be personable. While they are providing a valuable service (for example, repairing a broken air conditioner in the middle of summer), they are doing so in someone’s home. So customer service is important. Your employees are representatives of your business. These are the people that your clients deal with on a daily basis. These are the people that your clients think of when referring friends and family to your business.
The way your HVAC technicians carry themselves, the way they act not only reflects on your company, either positively or negatively, but can also impact your business. Even if a technician effectively fixes a problem, a client can still have a negative experience if your employee is not courteous. So, as we said, customer service is extremely important. But that is just the beginning. It is not enough to be knowledgeable. It is not enough to be courteous either. Your HVAC technicians must also look professional.
Can my HVAC Technicians benefit from wearing Uniforms?
A client’s first interaction with one of your technicians isn’t verbal; it’s visual. It happens the moment that door swings open and the client sees your technician for the very first time. The way your employees look tells a customer a lot about your business. It takes a customer just a fraction of a second to form an opinion about your technician, your business. So what type of first impressions are your employees giving prospective clients?
Uniforms can help transform your ragtag band of misfits into a lean, mean HVAC machine. Attractive, well-fitting uniforms help identify your employees as capable, trustworthy professionals who can get the job done.
Click Here to learn more about the benefits of uniforms.
Lord Baltimore Uniform Rental
For over thirty years, Lord Baltimore Uniform and Linen Rental has provided outstanding uniform rental service throughout Maryland, Washington DC, northern Virginia, Southern Pennsylvania, and Delaware. We are driven to provide responsive, attentive, and professional customer service! And we are confident in our ability to provide you with service above and beyond uniform rental industry standards.
To find out if Uniform Rental is the right choice for your HVAC business, please contact Joe Bateman at Lord Baltimore Uniform at 800-292-1224 or visit LordBaltimoreUniform.com. We also handle towel rental for gyms and salons; apron, towels, uniforms and mats for restaurants; and uniform, shop towel, fender cover and mat rental for manufacturing and automotive industries.
You can also follow Lord Baltimore on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+.
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