So just how long does it take for first-time customers and clients to form first impression of you and your employees? A tenth of a second.
“First impressions matter when you want to build a lasting trust,” says Robert Lount, an assistant professor at Ohio State University.
In business, as they say, image is everything. The moment a stranger, or in this case a new customer or client, walks into your business, his or her brain makes a thousand snap judgements. Is your business reputable? Do you have status and authority? Are your employees approachable? So, it is important to make a good first impression.
According to Amy Cuddy, a Harvard Business School social psychologist, 80 to 90 percent of first impressions are attributed to trustworthiness and confidence.
“We’re judging how warm and trustworthy the person is, and that’s trying to answer the question, ‘What are this person’s intentions toward me?’ And we’re also asking ourselves, “How strong and competent is this person?’” says Cuddy.
So just how long does it take for first-time customers and clients to form an opinion of you and your employees? A tenth of a second. That’s right. According to researchers at Princeton, people decide on the trustworthiness of individual employees, and thus a business as a whole, in just a tenth of a second.
“If you get off on the wrong foot, the relationship may never be completely right again,” says Lount. “It’s easier to build trust after a breach if you already have a strong relationship.”
Custom Logo Mats and Uniforms Help Businesses Make a Stronger First Impression
Custom Logo Mats
It is important to establish your brand the moment your customer walks through the front door. Custom logo mats, embossed with your company name and logo, can help you do just that, making an impressive statement at your front door.
Your employees are the face of your business. So it is important to ensure they look the part. According to a 2000 UTSA sponsored a study conducted by J.D. Power and Associates 40.28% of people believe uniformed employees are more knowledgeable than those not in uniform. 52.78% believe uniformed employees are more credible, and 54.17% admitted they felt more comfortable working with a uniformed employee.
Custom Logo Mats and Uniform Rental from Lord Baltimore
For over thirty years, Lord Baltimore has provided uniform, towel, and mat rental services to businesses throughout Washington DC, Delaware, Northern Virginia, Southern Pennsylvania, and Maryland. Our high level of customer service, coupled with our affordable prices has made us the go-to linen provider in the area.
Get a Quote Today!
To learn more about how Uniform and Mat Rental can help you make a better First Impression, please contact Joe Bateman at Lord Baltimore by calling 800-292-1224. We also handle uniform rental, mat rental, and so much more.
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