Use a walk-off mat to aid in dust control
Dust control is worthy of discussion. Whether it’s a residential or commercial space, no one likes dust permeating. Dust can cause allergens, and overall it can cause your facility not to be as clean as you’d like. While getting rid of dust entirely is impossible, there is a way to minimize its presence. Dust may seem like a small thing, literally and figuratively, but keeping your facility as clean as possible is good for business. Control the dust in your facility with these tips.
Pay Attention to the Source
The most common areas for buildup include entryways and exits. It would be best if you also made a note of dry or dusty areas in your facility. When you know where the dust likes to pile, you have a better chance of cleaning it up and finding appropriate solutions.
Vacuum and Dust Each Day
If you have carpet anywhere in your commercial building, then you should be sure to have that area vacuumed each day. You’ll also want to dust off every surface at the end of each day to reduce as many remains as possible. Business owners and employees alike love coming into a clean workplace each day.
Replace Air Filters to Aid in Dust Control
There is surface dust, and then there’s airborne dust. If you want to aid in airborne dust control, that involves replacing your air filters. You don’t need to replace them daily, but you indeed want to check on them once a week and replace them when you notice a buildup. An unclogged filter means that the air will be more breathable.
Use the Mats, Mops, and Microfiber that Lord Baltimore Offers!
When you own a facility, it means that you’ll need higher quality cleaning products than if you were merely cleaning your home. Many people step in and out of a commercial building, so it makes sense to keep it as clean as possible, especially during a pandemic.
An outside scraper mat is excellent if you want to stop dust and dirt from coming into the door of your facility. Our walk-off mats are another product that you can use to keep dirt and dust at bay, and they come in various colors. We also rent out mops that help control both lint and dust. Finally, we offer microfiber cleaning products that pick up more dust and dirt than traditional cleaning cloths. If dust control is your goal, give Lord Baltimore Uniform Rental a call today!
Keep Your Business Clean During this Pandemic With Lord Baltimore
For over forty years, Lord Baltimore has provided cost-effective uniform rental and towel rental services throughout the East Coast, including Maryland, Washington DC, Northern Virginia, Southern Pennsylvania, and Delaware.
To learn more about how employee uniforms can help your business, please contact Joe Bateman at Lord Baltimore by calling 800-292-1224 or visit LordBaltimoreUniform.com. We also handle uniform and mat rentals and purchase for restaurants. Additionally, we also sell and rent unif