Located 20 minutes from Washington DC and 60 minutes from Baltimore, La Plata, Maryland is a small town by comparison, but it is a town on the rise. In fact, La Plata has grown by 36.8% over the past 14… Read More
Price Frederick Gyms and Health Clubs can benefit from Towel Rental
In one of our blog several weeks ago, we explained how uniform rental can benefit your Prince Frederick business. This week, we will continue to focus on Calvert County, but turn our attention to the Prince Frederick fitness industry: gyms,… Read More
The Benefits of Uniform Rental for Lexington Park Businesses
Located in Southern Maryland, Lexington Park, a small, but growing community of 11,626, up 5.5% since 2000, is one of the country’s fastest-growing “micropolitan” areas. According to estimates made by the St. Mary’s County Planning Commission, the number of households… Read More
Will Uniforms help my Business? Discover the Benefits of Uniform Rental
Many employers in the United States have already discovered the benefits of uniforms. In fact, more than 32 Million U.S. workers wear uniforms each and every day. Do yours? We know what you are thinking; “Will uniforms help my business?”… Read More
How Uniform Rental can help your Prince Frederick Business
While relatively small by population (just 2,538 as of the 2010 Census), Prince Frederick, Maryland seems much larger, with its many shops, restaurants, schools, healthcare facilities, and government buildings. Located just 30 miles from Washington DC and Annapolis, Prince Frederick… Read More
Preventing Slip and Fall Injuries in the Workplace
When Punxsutawney Phil popped his head out of his groundhog hole and saw his shadow, he predicted one thing: more winter. Six more weeks of winter to be exact: six more weeks of frigid temperatures, six more weeks of snow,… Read More
Dress to Impress with Lord Baltimore Uniform Rental
You have undoubtedly heard the phrase “Dress to Impress” before. You may have never given it a second thought, but let’s take a step back and examine how what we wear affects the world around us, especially business. As we… Read More
Make a Better First Impression and Increase Sales
According to Business Insider, it takes just 0.1 seconds to form a lasting impression of a stranger. Now, we have heard several different estimates about how long it takes to make a first impression, but one thing remains constant: a… Read More
Can Uniform Rental help my Business?
Business owners, especially small and mid-size business owners, have a lot to worry about. You need to not only be an owner and a boss, but also a marketing expert, customer service representative, accountant, and, when need be, a custodian…. Read More
The Power of Perception, the Benefits of Uniforms
When one of your employees first meets a potential customer, it takes just 7 seconds for that customer to form an opinion. He or she will make several snap judgments about your employee and, in turn, your business. Will I… Read More