Flame resistant clothes are like built-in firefighters, acting as preventative protection for workers in industries where the exposure to flame hazards is a real threat to safety. From electrified equipment to machines powered by diesel fuel, the risk of fires… Read More
Prevent the Spread of Infectious Germs from Scrubs and Hospital Uniforms: Baltimore Uniform Rental
Though the stark white of hospital coats worn by doctors might give off the impression of clean sterility, a study released last year by the American Journal of Infection Control contends that uniforms worn by medical workers in hospitals may… Read More
Reducing Risk of Occupational Diseases with Proper Uniform Cleaning: Baltimore Uniform Supplier
For employers nationwide, the importance of occupational health and safety precautions is becoming increasingly clearer as lawsuits related to workplace negligence continually crop up. The risks posed to workers in industries like construction and building maintenance are numerous; one particular… Read More
Top Reasons to Support Locally Owned Businesses: Uniform Rental in Baltimore, Maryland
From tiny train towns to major metropolitan areas, big businesses with national chains have infiltrated communities where locally owned companies once serviced residents. Though big-box stores are convenient one-stop shops, buying frequently from large corporations can take a toll on… Read More
Benefits of Logo Mats for your Business
Customers develop opinions of your business from their very first impression of it, often starting with the physical entrance of the building. The entrance of your establishment acts as a reflection of your business in myriad ways, from the tidiness of… Read More
A History of Aprons from Lord Baltimore Uniform
Aprons are a garment we often relegate to the 1950s, imagining housewives like June Cleaver and Donna Reed wearing frilly versions of them atop their prim day dresses. At the time, although often very pretty with fancy trims and feminine… Read More
Join Forces in the Green Initiative: How Uniform Rental Promotes Sustainability
The markets for goods and services in the U.S. have been clamoring for suppliers and providers who conserve natural resources and energy while reducing solid waste and chemical use. This outcry is the result of the realization, on behalf of Americans,… Read More
Protect your Employees with ANSI/ISEA 107 Compliant Hi-Visibility Garments from Lord Baltimore Uniform
At Lord Baltimore Uniform, we not only supply uniforms that provide your business a positive image, but we also carry uniforms that will be sure to keep your employees safe. Our hi-visibility garments – available for rental, lease, or purchase… Read More
Eliminate Cross-Contamination with Microfiber Mops and Towels from Lord Baltimore Uniform
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued a comprehensive catalogue of guidelines for “Disinfection and Sterilization in Healthcare Facilities” in 2008 under the Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee (HICPAC), a federal board of experts that counsels the… Read More