Your company needs work uniforms. It could be because it is the industry standard, they allow employees to work safely, they communicate your service, or a combination of these reasons. However, you want to get the most out of anything… Read More
Commercial Uniform Cleaning vs. Home Laundering
Companies that use work uniforms have choices: the main two are whether to use a commercial uniform cleaning service or have employees wash their own uniforms at home. Outsourcing uniform laundering is more popular than ever. What is your view… Read More
What Work Uniforms Avoid
Work uniforms are more valuable than you might imagine, at first. Part of the reason they are so useful is that they avoid the negative “what ifs” of work clothing. Your business needs to present its best image to the… Read More
What Good Work Uniforms Say
You might be aware that your business needs employee uniforms to look professional and meet industry standards. However, you might not know exactly what those uniforms are supposed to communicate. One should not take work uniform design lightly; rather, careful… Read More
The Significance of Employee Appearance
America’s economy runs on many businesses, and each business needs to orchestrate the best strategy to thrive and grow. If employees face customers, their appearance enormously impacts how the public perceives the company. How an employee works immediately makes a… Read More
How Easy Is a Uniform Rental Program to Use?
You are ready to embark on sourcing work uniforms for your company. You might be a startup with a handful of employees, or you might be a corporation prepared for a change. Either way, you will find that a uniform… Read More
Commercial Uniform Cleaning Boosts Morale
Commercial uniform cleaning is a service that benefits any company that needs work uniforms. There are plenty of benefits of commercial uniform cleaning for businesses, such as saved time, energy, and money. It also helps companies put their best foot… Read More
Why Microfiber Is Still a Great Cleaning Tool
Microfiber makes up many fabrics in our lives, from workout clothing to dishtowels. This unique blend and weave is one of the most innovative of our time. Here’s why microfiber is still a great cleaning tool for your business today.
Are Short-Sleeve Shirts Professional?
Short-sleeve weather is undoubtedly here in Maryland by May or June, but whether or not it is work-appropriate is another question. Short sleeves are generally considered to be less formal for work, and in some industries, they could even be… Read More