When you are working on your latest home improvement project, where do you prefer to do your shopping a big box store or a locally owned and operated hardware store? You’d be surprised at how many people choose the big box store because…well, it’s what everyone else does. But just think about it for a second. Which type of store gives you the best service? While the employees of a big box store may be helpful, they are not invested in your success. They are just doing their job and trying to get you in and out as quickly as possible. Now, when you go to a local, small hardware store, see what happens. You are not only greeted with a smile by someone who is more than likely the owner of the company, but you will be given the type of attention you deserve. You are not just pointed in the right direction, but guided step-by-step by someone who truly cares about your success. The same principals hold true in the business to business (B2B) world.
Many businesses choose to work with big, faceless corporations because…well, it is what all of the other businesses are doing. But you have to ask yourself a very important question: why? Why settle for second-rate service when you deserve so much more? Why settle for the status quo when you could work with a company that cares about you and the success of your business?
Lord Baltimore is a Locally Owned and Operated Company
Lord Baltimore is an independently owned, Maryland company that cares about tis customers. While other uniform rental companies offer you high tech solutions that speed up their processes, improving their bottom line, Lord Baltimore offers proven, dependable solutions that will help your business succeed. We are confident in our ability to provide you with service above and beyond uniform rental industry standards.
Click Here to learn how Lord Baltimore can help you!
Lord Baltimore proudly serves Maryland, Washington DC, northern Virginia, Southern Pennsylvania, and Delaware.
To learn more about how Lord Baltimore can help improve your business, please contact Joe Bateman at 800-292-1224 or visit LordBaltimoreUniform.com. We also handle towel rental for gyms and salons; apron, towels, uniforms and mats for restaurants; and uniform, shop towel, fender cover and mat rental for manufacturing and automotive industries.
You can also follow Lord Baltimore on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+.
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