Cotton is a soft, breathable material
Cotton is a soft, breathable material. You’ve probably seen many TV ads advocating for it over the years. But how does it hold up through an eight-hour (or longer)? We’re here to confirm that cotton clothing has many benefits. There’s a reason that the world uses this material more than any other natural fiber. Allow us to elaborate on the benefits of choosing cotton for your employee uniforms.
Cotton Aids in Moisture Control
Once again, this fabric is breathable. It’s absorbent and transmits moisture away from the body. This material allows you to remain comfortable as you work and prevents sweat buildup. We have many moisture-wicking options that your employees will appreciate.
The Perfect Insulator
Cotton prevents you from overheating in the summer but also prevents you from freezing in the winter. This material provides thermal insulation as the fabric traps air between its fibers. These fibers hold the fabric away from the skin, allowing more air to flow between the skin and fabric. This process not only helps with insulation but aids in comfort.
Cotton allergies are uncommon, rare even. For those who have skin allergies, doctors often recommend this fabric, according to Cotton Incorporated. This material is hypoallergenic and does not irritate the skin. It’s also a material used in medical products such as bandages, gauze and is soft and comfortable enough for newborns to wear.
While this material is super soft, manufacturing it into a weather-resistant garment is possible. Manufacturers can make it into a tight, dense fabric that’s weather-resistant. Yet doing so won’t compromise its breathability or comfortability.
A Stretchy Material
A long shift will feel even longer if you can’t move around with ease. Cotton is a stretchy material that isn’t restrictive and won’t compromise productivity at the job. From casual corporate to industrial work attire, employees working in any industry will appreciate this fabric. The main takeaway is that every employee should feel comfortable throughout their workday. The wrong fabrics, restrictive, or ill-fitting materials can take away from this.
Do you want to discover all that Lord Baltimore Uniform Rental has to offer? Keep reading our content and contact us today!
Trust Your Employee Uniforms to the Professionals at Lord Baltimore
For over forty years, Lord Baltimore has provided cost-effective uniform rental services throughout the East Coast, including Maryland, Washington DC, Northern Virginia, Southern Pennsylvania, and Delaware.