Microfiber cleaning products help to keep a business dust-free
Reducing the amount of dust that enters your business is crucial. Too much dust in an environment is not only uncleanly, but it can cause respiratory problems. Here at Lord Baltimore Uniform Rental, we not only specialize in uniform rental, but we provide the products that you need to keep your business clean and dust-free. These products include mats, mops, and microfiber cleaning products. Here some tips you can follow for keeping your business dust-free.
Use Doormats
Here we offer walk-off mats and outside door scraper mats so that you can stop dust in its tracks. You can remove 80% of the soil entering your business. Our doormats can hold up to eight pounds of water!
For 20% of the dust that our mats don’t pick up, we recommend that vacuuming your building once a week, especially if you have carpeting anywhere in your building. For an efficient clean, your vacuum should have a particulate air filter so that it hones in on dust. Not only does the floor need a thorough cleaning, but you can vacuum in between the crevices of the furniture as well.
Use Wetmops and Dust Mops
After vacuuming, mopping will grab any leftover dirt or dust. We rent mop handles as well as the 100% cotton turbo mop head. Clean mops are a must! Otherwise, you’ll push around unwanted dirt and debris.
Here we have our line of dust mops that makes controlling lint easy. Our mop handles and racks support dust mops between the size of 30″ to 48″. These lint and dust collectors are what you need to give your business a professional clean.
Microfiber Cleaning Products
Microfiber mops and towels trap dirt in a way that traditional cleaning products don’t. If you want to keep your business dust-free, even without using chemicals, then microfiber is a must. Eliminate cross-contamination and keep the germs away with the most effective cleaning material. We’ll even train you and your team on how to use the microfiber cleaning products that we offer.
The Bottom Line
Lord Baltimore is a full-service uniform rental company. By full-service, we mean that our goal is to not only provide you with high-quality uniforms, but we want to provide you with many services that will keep your business in top shape. From cleaning products to custom embroidery, our goal is to add you to the list of 96% of customers that come back for superb customer service.
Trust Your Employee Uniforms to the Professionals at Lord Baltimore
For over forty years, Lord Baltimore has provided cost-effective towel rental services throughout the East Coast, including Maryland, Washington DC, Northern Virginia, Southern Pennsylvania, and Delaware.
To learn more about how employee uniforms can help your business, please contact Joe Bateman at Lord Baltimore by calling 800-292-1224 or visit LordBaltimoreUniform.com. We also handle uniform and mat rentals and purchase for restaurants. Additionally, we also sell and rent uniforms, shop towels, fender covers and mats for the manufacturing and automotive industries.