Just as the name says, anti-fatigue mats help to reduce fatigue for industrial workers
Anti-fatigue mats have both ergonomic and economic advantages. Reports show that standing around on concrete all-day long can have damaging health effects. You could also ask any warehouse or industrial worker how their feet feel after a long day. Anti-fatigue mats are advantageous for health reasons, but they’re also good for business. Read on to discover more about why you should use anti-fatigue mats in the workplace.
An Anti-Fatigue Mat Defined
Just as the name says, these mats help to reduce fatigue. They specifically lessen the adverse health effects that come from standing for a long time. Cushions are helpful for a person who sits for a long time. Anti-fatigue mats help those who stand for a long time. These mats increase productivity, improve a person’s posture, and, most importantly, take the pressure of off employees’ feet.
How Effective Are Anti-Fatigue Mats?
An anti-fatigue mat cannot take away all of the issues that a standing worker faces. However, they do reduce the impact that standing all-day long does to the body, especially as it relates to the hips, knees, feet, and legs. These are the parts of the body affected most by standing for a while. Overall, these mats help improve circulation as well as soften the pressure on joints and muscles.
So…How is This Good For Business?
We’re glad you asked! Hard floors cause a host of problems. Back pain, weak muscles, and joint pain can all stem from standing on unforgiving floors. Some of this pain can be quite debilitating, causing employees not to enjoy their jobs or, worse, cause absenteeism. When your employees are at their happiest and healthiest, they’re more inclined to be productive. The more productive your employees are, the better it is for business. The reality is that when an employee is in pain, they don’t work as efficiently as they should. Anti-fatigue mats offer employees some relief.
The Bottom Line
Employee health and well-being matters. Not only do we offer employee uniforms, but we provide other beneficial products that will keep your business in its best shape. From microfiber products to gloves and paper products, we have you covered. Happy, pain-free employees improve your business tenfold.
Trust Your Employee Uniforms to the Professionals at Lord Baltimore
For over forty years, Lord Baltimore has provided cost-effective towel rental services throughout the East Coast, including Maryland, Washington DC, Northern Virginia, Southern Pennsylvania, and Delaware.
To learn more about how employee uniforms can help your business, please contact Joe Bateman at Lord Baltimore by calling 800-292-1224 or visit LordBaltimoreUniform.com. We also handle uniform and mat rentals and purchase for restaurants. Additionally, we also sell and rent uniforms, shop towels, fender covers and mats for the manufacturing and automotive industries.