We supply quality paper products to ensure that your restaurant runs well.
Lord Baltimore provides many services, not just uniform rental. We supply quality paper products to ensure that your business runs well. Within the restaurant industry, paper products are crucial. After enjoying a delicious meal, customers use paper products to clean their hands. A restaurant cannot thrive without cleanliness. Not only will Lord Baltimore provide you with uniforms that will keep your employees comfortable and polished, but we’ll also supply you with the quality paper products to keep your business afloat and keep your customers satisfied. You should undeniably use Lord Baltimore’s paper products to maintain your restaurant. Keep reading to find out why!
Paper Towels
We partner with Sierra Centerfeed to provide your restaurant with high-quality hand towels. Six rolls come in one case and can last longer than traditional folded towels, hard wound roll towels, and household towels. Why does this matter? In the restaurant industry, the experience doesn’t just end at the table. When customers go to wash their hands, they don’t want to find that the paper towels are flimsy or cheap. Customers often prefer paper towels compared to dryers due to questions about bacteria spreading in the air. Paper products prevent bacteria from spreading.
Toilet Tissue
Lord Baltimore partners with Sierra once again to supply jumbo compact toilet tissue. We offer 12 rolls per case, and this paper product lasts longer than “500-sheets” tissue. High-quality, toilet tissue is relevant because of environmental impact. Paper products should be biodegradable. Sierra’s toilet tissue is 100% recyclable. It’s bad for business if customers find that the toilet tissue used is prone to clogging. That won’t be an issue when you trust in Lord Baltimore.
Disposable Gloves
Lord Baltimore partners with Black Nitrile to supply your restaurant with Industrial Latex Free disposable gloves. These gloves are chemical free, keeping your janitorial staff safe and healthy. They’re also highly durable and resistant to punctures. Not only are they safe, but their black coloring is stylish as well. We offer 100 gloves per box, and they’re versatile because they range from small to XXL, fitting the needs of any of your staff.
The Main Takeaway
A clean restaurant is a profitable restaurant. We offer affordable, environmentally friendly, and durable cleaning solutions. Not only do we provide paper products, but check into our microfiber cleaning products as well! We have the right tools you need for your restaurant or any industry to succeed.
Trust Your Employee Uniforms to the Professionals at Lord Baltimore
For over forty years, Lord Baltimore has provided cost-effective towel rental services throughout the East Coast, including Maryland, Washington DC, Northern Virginia, Southern Pennsylvania, and Delaware.
To learn more about how employee uniforms can help your business, please contact Joe Bateman at Lord Baltimore by calling 800-292-1224 or visit LordBaltimoreUniform.com. We also handle uniform and mat rentals and purchase for restaurants. Additionally, we also sell and rent uniforms, shop towels, fender covers and mats for manufacturing and automotive industries.