Commercial uniform cleaning services often come with a work uniform rental service. Not only can you source customized work uniforms for all your team members, but you can have them laundered professionally every week as well. It might seem like… Read More
Dry Cleaning vs. Laundering
Dry cleaning and washing are two very different ways of cleaning clothing. When it comes to work uniforms, it matters greatly which kind of service you use. Businesses need to present themselves and function their best, and work uniforms are… Read More
Is Commercial Uniform Cleaning Right for You?
Everyday work can require us to either face customers every day or to get dirty and dangerous doing our job. That is certainly true if you work in the hospitality industry or in trades like plumbing, manufacturing, auto repair, or… Read More
The Luxury of Commercial Uniform Cleaning
Subscribing to any service for your business is a decision not to take lightly. The service really must be worth it for your company and ultimately give you a good return on investment. If your company is in the trades,… Read More
Commercial Uniform Cleaning vs. Home Laundering
Companies that use work uniforms have choices: the main two are whether to use a commercial uniform cleaning service or have employees wash their own uniforms at home. Outsourcing uniform laundering is more popular than ever. What is your view… Read More
Commercial Uniform Cleaning Boosts Morale
Commercial uniform cleaning is a service that benefits any company that needs work uniforms. There are plenty of benefits of commercial uniform cleaning for businesses, such as saved time, energy, and money. It also helps companies put their best foot… Read More
Commercial Uniform Cleaning Preserves Uniforms
Uniforms are standard in many professions involving physical labor or customer-facing services. It is imperative for the uniforms to function well in physical jobs and look great to customers. Lord Baltimore Uniform Rental helps dozens of companies to find the… Read More
Don’t Take Contaminated Uniforms Home
Even though plenty of office jobs exist where work environments are relatively clean, there are so many other occupations that require workers to come into contact with contaminants like harsh chemicals, combustible chemicals, oils, and bodily fluids. You can save… Read More
Commercial Laundering vs. In-House Laundering
Countless companies deal with sourcing and maintaining employee uniforms, a behind-the-scenes operation that requires timeliness and exceptional care. Every uniform must fit the employee and the brand well, each employee needs enough uniforms, and all these uniforms must be clean… Read More
Removing Tough Stains from Uniforms
No matter what industry you work in, work uniforms always have a chance of getting dirty. When your uniforms get tough stains, the ability to maintain a clean and professional appearance suffers. The best policy is to act as quickly… Read More