Let’s be honest: Kids of all ages get sick frequently. Schools are often a hotbed of illness because children are in such close proximity for so many hours each day, so when a virus breaks out, it’s only a matter of time before it spreads. For this reason, it’s incredibly important that schools focus on creating a clean environment that keeps students, staff, and visitors happy and healthy. While cleaning solutions for schools may be complex, Lord Baltimore is here to help! Here are some of the cleaning problems your facility will face and effective solutions to consider.

Choosing the right cleaning solutions for schools will ensure the health and happiness of your students.
Problem: Surface bacteria
Children are not always good at washing their hands after they sneeze or use the bathroom, which means that germs and bacteria can quickly spread from their hands to any surface they touch. This greatly increases the likelihood that viruses and illness will spread throughout your school.
Solution: Microfiber towels and mops
Microfiber is the ideal material for cutting down on bacteria and germs in your facility. Microfiber effectively eliminates up to 99.6% of all surface bacteria using only water, so you’ll not only improve the health of your school when you switch to microfiber, but you’ll also significantly cut down on the amount of money you spend on cleaning products as well.
Problem: Dirt entering your facility
Your school needs to look clean and well-maintained at all times, but dirt that is tracked in from outside can quickly make your facility look dingy and poorly kept. Most dirt and grime in any facility comes from the outdoors, so preventing dirt from entering your school in the first place is the best way to ensure that your school looks great at all times.
Solution: Walk-off mats
Walk-off mats are the ideal way to prevent dirt and grime from entering your facility, which also cuts down on cleaning time and costs. By keeping dirt where it belongs–outside–you’ll also lessen the amount of harmful bacteria that enters your facility which could otherwise compromise the health and happiness of your students.
Ask Lord Baltimore about School Sanitation Solutions
For over forty years, Lord Baltimore has provided reliable, cost-effective private school sanitation cleaning solutions throughout Maryland, Washington DC, Northern Virginia, Southern Pennsylvania, and Delaware.
We are an independently owned company that is confident in our ability to provide you with service above and beyond industry standards.
To learn more about how school sanitation and cleaning solutions are top priorities for high-traffic places such as private schools, please contact Joe Bateman at Lord Baltimore by calling 800-292-1224.