Lord Baltimore customers can utilize green initiatives for their companies by reducing waste and reusing products through well-maintained, high-quality uniform rentals for their employees.
Not only are high-quality uniform rentals convenient for business owners, but they are also an excellent sustainability practice for any business looking to use green initiatives for their team, services, and products. In working with our products and services, Lord Baltimore customers can utilize green initiatives for their companies by reducing waste and reusing products through well-maintained, high-quality uniform rentals for their employees. If you are considering uniform rentals for your team in the future, consider the many ways in which renting your uniforms is an environmentally friendly move for the future of your business.
A Green Service for Your Business
As we strive to provide great uniforms for your business, we value these green initiatives for our products and services as well. In doing this, our goal is to uphold our own green initiatives in cleaning and maintenance processes, such as with our wastewater from textile cleanings. For this, we rely on an oil skimmer and sediment separator to maintain and improve the quality of our wastewater as it leaves our facility. In addition to managing our wastewater, we also strive to reduce the impact of our detergents by cleaning garments with only environmentally friendly detergents in our facility.
Making the Most of Our Materials
By recycling multiple items involved in your uniform rental or purchase, you are also able to make the most out of every material. Because uniform rentals often require many one-time use items such as cardboard boxes, hangers, and old linens, these materials can then be reused or recycled, instead of discarded, to reduce unnecessary waste. In our own business, we recycle the following items:
- Cardboard
- Hangers
- Metal
- Oil
- Mats
These environmentally-friendly practices make Lord Baltimore an excellent partner for green initiatives. By reducing waste and reusing materials when possible, we have the potential to positively impact your business with great eco-friendly products and services throughout the year.
Green Products and Processes
While there are many ways in which uniform rentals can help your business, the use of energy efficient commercial equipment, reduced water use for uniform cleaning are excellent green initiatives. Not only are uniform rentals cost efficient for you and your employees, but they are also an environmentally responsible option for your company. In addition to these green initiatives, we use green products in our own business and processes, including:
- Use of eco-friendly laundry detergent
- Lighting our business with low-energy fluorescent lights
- Practicing water conservation efforts
- Using energy efficient, modern equipment
In using these green initiatives for our own business, we are also able to provide great products for your business.
Trust Your Uniform Rentals to the Professionals at Lord Baltimore
For over forty years, Lord Baltimore has provided cost-effective uniform rental services throughout the East Coast, including Maryland, Washington DC, Northern Virginia, Southern Pennsylvania, and Delaware.
To learn more about how uniform rentals can keep your business clean and looking great, please contact Joe Bateman at Lord Baltimore by calling 800-292-1224 or visit LordBaltimoreUniform.com. We also handle towel rental for gyms and salons, as well as apron, towel, uniform and mat rental and purchase for restaurants. Additionally, we also sell and rent uniforms, shop towels, fender covers and mats for manufacturing and automotive industries.
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