Microfiber cleaning materials will not only keep your business clean but also serve as a green initiative for your business.
Although regular mops may seem satisfactory for cleaning your business, there is also a chance that these mops may not be working as well as they seem to be! Microfiber mops are an excellent alternative for thoroughly cleaning every surface of your business, keeping your restaurant or store dust free and sanitary throughout the year. These microfiber cleaning materials will not only keep your business clean but also serve as a green initiative for your business. As you prepare your business for fall and winter, consider the many reasons to invest in microfiber cleaning products by Lord Baltimore today!
We Maintain Your Microfiber
In working with Lord Baltimore for your microfiber cleaning products, your microfiber cleaning materials will be well organized and sanitized for cleaning your business. Our organization includes color-coding wet mops to distinguish them and prevent cross-contamination. Additionally, we also include microfiber dust mops, as well as surface dusting cloths to keep your surfaces free of dirt and dust. We also provide you with hysorb mops for heavy-duty cleanups in your business. Your professionally cleaned microfiber materials will be excellent for managing infection control in your business, allowing you to clean with freshly laundered microfiber materials and prevent cross-contamination of conventional mops.
Your Microfiber Materials Provide Added Dust Control
Microfiber mops not only trap and remove dust, but they also help to reduce levels of dirt and bacteria in your business. Their ability to prevent dust and dirt from spreading throughout your restaurant or shop makes these mops a perfect solution for keeping the surfaces of your business clean and free of bacteria. Additionally, microfiber mops may be ideal for homes and businesses because they do not require harsh cleaning chemicals like regular mops do, making them a healthy and cost-efficient cleaning option for your business. With this, these microfiber cleaning products are among some of the most effective dust control options for your business.
Keep Your Business Clean Without Harsh Chemicals
Their independence from harsh chemicals also makes microfiber mops a sustainable cleaning option to use for your business. Particularly in medical facilities or restaurants, where cleaning chemicals may be particularly harmful to individuals in the building, microfiber mops present a better option that protects the health of everyone within your facility. In addition to a more gentle method of cleaning, they require significantly less water than a traditional mop, making clean up easy and risk-free in high-traffic areas.
Trust Your Uniform Rentals to the Professionals at Lord Baltimore
For over forty years, Lord Baltimore has provided cost-effective uniform rental services throughout the East Coast, including Maryland, Washington DC, Northern Virginia, Southern Pennsylvania, and Delaware.
To learn more about how uniform rentals can keep your business clean and looking great, please contact Joe Bateman at Lord Baltimore by calling 800-292-1224 or visit LordBaltimoreUniform.com. We also handle towel rental for gyms and salons, as well as apron, towel, uniform and mat rental and purchase for restaurants. Additionally, we also sell and rent uniforms, shop towels, fender covers and mats for manufacturing and automotive industries.