Welcome your visitors into your business with these tips!
Commercial real estate still matters, as these spaces are where people go to shop, work, learn, relax, and get services of all kinds. Commercial buildings still are in high demand and need plenty of rigorous maintenance to make them inviting places to be. Dirty commercial spaces can have serious consequences, including employee illness and customer dissatisfaction. These sparkling commercial cleaning tips will help any business stay healthful and helpful.
Start with Great Personal Hygiene
Commercial building cleanliness starts with each person’s commitment to staying clean and healthy. One sick, unkempt person could cause many others to get sick. It’s best to have cleanliness standards for employees so that everyone maintains a baseline level of personal hygiene.
Maintain Clean, Smart Work Uniforms
Clothing matters, too. Employee outfits should represent the company and show respect to each other and to customers. If your industry warrants company uniforms, then a work uniform rental like Lord Baltimore Uniform Rental can deliver clean, branded work uniforms. You can source well-fitting uniforms for all employees and benefit from commercial uniform laundering on top of it.
Use the Right Cleaning Tools and Practices
The right cleaning tools and schedule will make all the difference in your commercial building’s healthiness. Microfiber dry and wet mops, for example, are excellent at trapping loose dust and dirt and soaking up tough stains. Microfiber cloths are fantastic dusting fabrics, and commercial floor mats help trap dirt and water at the entrance. Lord Baltimore Uniform Rental supplies and cleans all of these highly practical tools!
Maintain Clean, Well-Stocked Restrooms
Public restrooms can make or break a commercial facility. If the bathrooms are foul, no one will want to return. If they are exceptionally clean, people will have pleasant memories and want to come back. It can change someone’s experience and your business drastically in one way or another.
That is why it is worth keeping your restrooms well-stocked with toilet tissue, paper towels, and hand soap along with regularly cleaning the restrooms. You can save time with a trusted company to restock and maintain these supplies for you.
Use Air Fresheners to Your Advantage
Air fresheners give your business the right first impression with a pleasant smell that fades as you go farther into the building. It can also make a public restroom a surprisingly refreshing place. Use air fresheners to your advantage. It is the final touch to our sparkling commercial cleaning tips!
Trust Your Employee Uniforms to the Professionals at Lord Baltimore
For over forty years, Lord Baltimore has provided cost-effective uniform rental services throughout the East Coast, including Maryland, Washington DC, Northern Virginia, Southern Pennsylvania, and Delaware.
To learn more about how employee uniforms can help your business, please contact Joe Bateman at Lord Baltimore by calling 800-292-1224 or visit LordBaltimoreUniform.com. We also handle uniform and mat rentals and purchases for restaurants. Additionally, we also sell and rent uniforms, shop towels, fender covers, and mats for the manufacturing and automotive industries.