If you own a hair salon, microfiber towels can make a significant difference regarding performance, hygiene, and finance
If you own a hair salon, microfiber towels can make a significant difference regarding performance, hygiene, and finance. This claim about microfiber towels may seem bold, but today we will detail why adding this addition to your salon makes a lot of sense.
Microfiber Towels Are Winning in Longevity
Stylists wash hair constantly at a salon. With that in mind, it’s practical not to rent traditional towels. Stylists can get hundreds of washes out of microfiber towels. As far as financial advantages, this means that you won’t have to waste money on buying replacements. Why buy towels when you can rent from Lord Baltimore Uniform Rental? Like our uniform rental services, our towel rental services are affordable as well. Furthermore, there are nuances to pay attention to when taking care of microfiber, but when you hire us, we’ll take care of the cleaning process for you! You save time and money by hiring us.
Towels Made of Microfiber Can Assist in Hair Drying Faster
Microfiber is a superabsorbent material compared to traditional cotton. It has more fibers in it per square inch which means it can contain more water. Another benefit of microfiber is that it creates less friction. Therefore, there isn’t any need to rub clients’ hair as vigorously as before. When you don’t put as much tension or pressure on the hair, it leads to less breakage.
Microfiber and Hygiene Go Hand in Hand
Most people prefer microfiber products because the tiny fibers can pick up dirt, bacteria, and dust better than paper towels or traditional cotton towels. Business owners should always strive to make their place of business as hygienic and sanitary as possible. It makes clients feel more comfortable. Microfiber puts less tension on the hair and helps it dry faster, but they also work well for keeping your establishment clean. We offer microfiber mops as well.
A Quicker Cleaning Process
Most people can relate to cleaning a surface and then needing to wipe it down again because there is residue. Because of the way that microfiber collects dirt and ranks high in absorbency, it means that you won’t have to keep going over a surface a million times because your traditional cloth isn’t picking up the dirt immediately. After a long day of beautifying clients, stylists are ready to run out the door. However, before going home, they have to ensure that their shop is clean for the next day. Microfiber towels can make this process much quicker. If you’d like to learn more about them, give us a call today.
Trust Your Employee Uniforms to the Professionals at Lord Baltimore
For over forty years, Lord Baltimore has provided cost-effective uniform rental services throughout the East Coast, including Maryland, Washington DC, Northern Virginia, Southern Pennsylvania, and Delaware.
To learn more about how employee uniforms can help your business, please contact Joe Bateman at Lord Baltimore by calling 800-292-1224 or visit LordBaltimoreUniform.com. We also handle uniform and mat rentals and purchase for restaurants. Additionally, we also sell and rent uniforms, shop towels, fender covers, and mats for the manufacturing and automotive industries.