Because towel rentals are such an essential aspect of your daily services, a towel rental service is an excellent start for improving your business in 2019!
With 2018 quickly coming to a close, now is the perfect time to consider the productivity of employees, the cleanliness of your facilities, and the efficiency of your processes for improvements in the new year. Because towel rentals are such an essential aspect of your daily services, a towel rental service is an excellent start for improving your business in 2019! By trusting your towel rentals to a service such as that of Lord Baltimore Uniforms, your employees can return to focusing on your clients, and your facilities can continue to be stocked with clean towels for your clients following a workout. As you plan these improvements for your fitness center in 2019, consider the many reasons to trust our towel rental services for your business in the upcoming year.
Improve the Efficiency of Your Budget with a Towel Rental Service
Utilizing the many benefits of a towel rental service is an excellent way to cut costs and manage the budget of your fitness center. Because there are many additional costs associated with purchasing and maintaining your towels, a towel rental service is a perfect solution for meeting these needs more efficiently throughout the year. Not only will a high-quality towel rental service provide your business with freshly laundered and professionally maintained towels, but it will also allow you to offer a quality amenity to your clients and annual members in 2019. Renting your towels will free you from the stress of replacing your old towels as they become worn throughout the year, saving you the cost of purchasing any equipment needed to launder the towels as well. With this, your towel rental service will handle maintenance and replacements for you as needed.
Improve Your Weekly Employee Productivity
A towel rental service will also enable your employees to focus on the most crucial responsibilities of their job, helping your fitness center to run smoothly throughout the week. With less time spent on smaller chores such as cleaning towels, your fitness center employees can focus on representing your business with excellent service. Should you decide to expand your fitness center, a towel rental service will allow you to increase the quantity of your order quickly. With high-quality towels ready for your clients at all times, your new and returning clients will feel appreciated, and they will also be more likely to recommend your fitness center to family and friends.
Trust Towel Rentals to the Professionals at Lord Baltimore
For over forty years, Lord Baltimore has provided cost-effective towel rental services throughout the East Coast, including Maryland, Washington DC, Northern Virginia, Southern Pennsylvania, and Delaware.
To learn more about how towel rentals can keep your business clean and looking great, please contact Joe Bateman at Lord Baltimore by calling 800-292-1224 or visit LordBaltimoreUniform.com. We also handle uniform and mat rentals and purchase for restaurants. Additionally, we also sell and rent uniforms, shop towels, fender covers and mats for manufacturing and automotive industries.