The automotive industry benefits greatly from uniform rental
Many industries benefit from uniform rental. However, today we’ll focus on three. When you rent employee uniforms, it helps your business look more professional and helps your employees feel like team players. Here are three of the many industries that thrive from renting uniforms.
The Automotive Industry
Oil and grease cause mechanic uniforms to become dirty quickly. It’s best to invest in a uniform rental program because after oil and grease stains sit on mechanic uniforms for days, they’re nearly impossible to remove. We have the right products and commercial-grade washers to remove many different types of stains. Don’t try this at home.
The Foodservice Industry
The foodservice industry benefits from uniform rental differently. The benefit of investing in a uniform rental program is that we don’t just provide uniforms. We also offer an inexpensive apron and dish towel rental service. Aprons keep employees looking neat, while dish towels can help you and your employees clean and disinfect your restaurant. When a commercial establishment is as clean as possible, it matters so much in 2020. We also provide the paper and cleaning products that any business needs to keep its establishment clean. Plus, using a towel and apron service is more manageable than attempting to wash towels and aprons yourself! Running a business is hard enough, and you should give yourself one less thing to do!
Landscaping, Construction, and HVAC Industries
For any employee working in a maintenance-related industry, they need full-on protection to carry out daily tasks. We provide employee uniforms that will keep maintenance workers safe, warm, and comfortable.
The Benefits of Hiring Lord Baltimore Uniform Rental
We are a locally-owned business with character and charm. The attention-to-detail and knowledge that our tenured employees possess are hard to find in a large, national firm. We return calls within one business day and believe in building valuable relationships with our customers. If you pay for one of our services, we won’t neglect you. Our team checks up on all of our customers to ensure their satisfaction. Also, our invoicing and billing are straightforward. There are no hidden fees or inexpensive upfront costs that will only skyrocket later.
It genuinely doesn’t get any better than Lord Baltimore Uniform Rental. If you’re on the fence about renting uniforms, call us so that we can give provide extensive details about the benefits of it.
Keep Your Business Clean During this Pandemic With Lord Baltimore
For over forty years, Lord Baltimore has provided cost-effective uniform rental and towel rental services throughout the East Coast, including Maryland, Washington DC, Northern Virginia, Southern Pennsylvania, and Delaware.
To learn more about how employee uniforms can help your business, please contact Joe Bateman at Lord Baltimore by calling 800-292-1224 or visit LordBaltimoreUniform.com. We also handle uniform and mat rentals and purchase for restaurants. Additionally, we also sell and rent uniforms, shop towels, fender covers, and mats for the manufacturing and automotive industries.