Using a uniform rental service isn’t just efficient and cost-effective — It has major benefits to the environment, as well.
While many companies that have utilized a solid uniform rental company know full well the many benefits that such a service can provide, there is an additional incentive that can benefit the environment itself. By the very practice of using and maintaining a specific number of regular uniform outfits, a single individual is putting into place the “green” initiative of reusing materials to keep low their personal “footprint” upon the environment.
The Virtue of Reusing
In general, the very premise of a consumer society where purchasing large amounts of clothing per individual is negative to the environment’s overall eco-health. When that is amplified by the number of employees within a given company, the list of raw materials can become staggering. By its nature, instilling a uniform for the purposes of practicing the “reuse/recycle” philosophy is a major eco-friendly concept that you can be proud of. Beyond that, each time a uniform is laundered it requires the use of detergent, and hot water which requires the use of energy to heat it. Now all garments have to be dried requiring lots of energy use. For 10 employees working 5 days each would have 10 garments at the end of the week, 5 shirts and 5 pants. Each garment is approx. 1 lb. creating 10 lbs of laundry/employee, 10 employees x 10 lbs = 100 lbs of laundry. Now which is more efficient, washing these garments in 10 different washers, drying them in 10 different dryers, or laundering and drying all of these garments as a portion of a single, larger commercial laundry load? Obviously the latter.
Putting Virtue Into Practice
Lord Baltimore Uniform Rental isn’t just known for its years of quality service as the region’s premier uniform rental and supply company — we also take pride in taking our own environmental footprint into account. As a standard practice, our company is sure to produce a higher-quality water through the oil skimmer and sediment separator that we use to launder all our returned uniforms. In addition, all detergents we use as the most eco-friendly, guaranteeing that our company’s footprint is as small and responsible as possible.
Rent Your Work Uniforms from Lord Baltimore Uniform Rental
For over forty years, Lord Baltimore has provided cost-effective uniform rental services up and down the East Coast, including Maryland, Washington DC, Northern Virginia, Southern Pennsylvania, and Delaware. To learn more about how Custom Logo Mats can make your business more effective and economical, please contact Joe Bateman at Lord Baltimore by calling 800-292-1224 or visit LordBaltimoreUniform.com. We also handle towel rental for gyms and salons; apron, towels, uniforms and mats for restaurants; and uniform, shop towel, fender cover and mat rental for manufacturing and automotive industries.
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