Uniforms build bridges; let Lord Baltimore show you how!
Work uniforms are more impactful in business relationships than one might realize. There is power in what clothing an employee wears, especially when the employee regularly faces customers and other businesses. Lord Baltimore Uniform Rental can help you harness the potential of employee uniforms with our name-brand uniform distribution, fittings, and professional laundering and maintenance. Take a closer look at how work uniforms build relationships with customers and businesses.
Work Uniforms Build Relationships with Customers
Work uniforms are especially crucial for customer-facing industries, such as hospitality, retail, food service, home improvement and service, and much more. Presenting yourself as a professional before customers includes having an outward sign that you identify with the service your business provides. When you wear a branded uniform, everyone instantly knows what service you offer and what business you represent, which has at least two consequences.
The first result is that customers have more trust in your business. People could be scared of opening the door to a stranger claiming to represent a business in regular clothing, and even more so if the employee is sloppily dressed.Â
The second consequence is a higher reputation for your business. People will remember your company if the logo is attractive and apparent. They will also have a better perception of your company if your employees are neatly dressed and groomed.
Work Uniforms Build Relationships with Businesses
Businesses may refer other businesses to customers or other companies that offer a related service they do not. Business to business (B2B) relationships are often between a manufacturer and wholesaler, wholesaler and retailer, etc. A company could be embarrassed to refer one company to another if its employees’ appearance is haphazard. B2B relationships are just as important as B2C interactions; poor wardrobe choices or a lack of uniforms could affect them negatively as well.
Work Uniforms Build Relationships with Employees
Employees are also affected by what they wear to work. Having a well-fitting uniform that looks good will increase morale and improve interactions with other businesses and customers. It will also bring positivity among other employees, camaraderie, and a shared mission that might be missed when wearing personal clothing. Overall, great work uniforms build relationships in a great way, in every way.
Trust Your Employee Uniforms to the Professionals at Lord Baltimore
For over forty years, Lord Baltimore has provided cost-effective uniform rental services throughout the East Coast, including Maryland, Washington DC, Northern Virginia, Southern Pennsylvania, and Delaware.
To learn more about how employee uniforms can help your business, please contact Joe Bateman at Lord Baltimore by calling 800-292-1224 or visit LordBaltimoreUniform.com. We also handle uniform and mat rentals and purchase for restaurants. Additionally, we also sell and rent uniforms, shop towels, fender covers, and mats for the manufacturing and automotive industries.