How does a company choose its uniform colors? These tips can help.
Whether you run a retail store, a restaurant, a landscaping company, or an auto repair shop, your work uniforms matter. Work uniforms can sell a service or product to a potential customer, showing that you are professional, trustworthy, and meet their needs. Aside from the functionality necessary to uniforms, color also plays a significant role in branding and customer experience. Below are several simple tips to help you choose the best work uniform colors. If you have questions, just ask us at Lord Baltimore Uniform Rental!
Taking from Your Logo
A tried and true method for finding the right work uniform colors is to take inspiration from your logo’s colors. Your logo already uses colors that portray your company in the best light. It can also help you keep consistent in your color scheme. However, it is usually best to use a color that is lighter or darker than the logo’s to give your overall appearance some variety. For example, if your logo is dark green, try light green uniforms.
Drawing from Your Theme
Believe it or not, your uniforms do not have to include the logo’s color scheme at all to be successful! You can also draw from your business’s theme. For example, a Greek restaurant might use blue and white uniforms, while an auto repair shop might stick with the most practical colors for the job. If you need ideas, Lord Baltimore Uniform Rental can help!
Remembering the Color Wheel
No matter what two or three colors you use for your work uniforms, keep the color wheel in mind. One can experiment with complementary colors like red and green, purple and yellow, or blue and orange. One could also use analogous colors, like green and blue or red and yellow. Another option is to pair neutral colors like khaki and white with a pop of color.
Using Color Psychology
There is also a psychology to work uniform colors. Warmer colors like red and yellow make people feel excited or hungry, while blues curb the appetite. Greens, blues, and purples also tend to be more calming. One should study similar businesses to see what colors are standard.
Get Input from Your Team
All in all, your work uniform colors will succeed if your employees are on board with your decision. It is best to get their input so you can be confident that they will feel confident and proud to be your employee.
Trust Your Employee Uniforms to the Professionals at Lord Baltimore
For over forty years, Lord Baltimore has provided cost-effective towel rental services throughout the East Coast, including Maryland, Washington DC, Northern Virginia, Southern Pennsylvania, and Delaware.
To learn more about how employee uniforms can help your business, please contact Joe Bateman at Lord Baltimore by calling 800-292-1224 or visit LordBaltimoreUniform.com. We also handle uniform and mat rentals and purchase for restaurants. Additionally, we also sell and rent uniforms, shop towels, fender covers, and mats for the manufacturing and automotive industries.